1 (edited by cytexone 2006-03-18 00:47)

Topic: c4forums.com

A forum dedicated to control4.  We've added a few mods and hacks:

* Login box in header
* Recent threads mod in header
* dokuwiki
* RSS Feeds
* modded footer to show more info
* modded file library
* IRC chat (not accessible to guests)
* resolved/not resolved/not marked for topic resolution
* Photo Gallery (in showcase)
* creative commons licensed (not really a mod, and why not, right?) smile

...some more features located in the "FAQ & Announcements" Section that I don't remember off the top of my head.

Thanks for the great forum software, Rickard, and thank you to all mod developers for their great work!  Hope you guys like it. 


-c4forums.com team


Re: c4forums.com

cytexone wrote:

Thanks for the great forum software, Rickard, and thank you to all mod developers for their great work!

So why does it say 'Powered by CYTEXONE' and not PunBB..?

Re: c4forums.com

...sorry. now it does.