1 (edited by TFD 2006-03-20 17:58)

Topic: Not really punbb related

but maybe one of you gurus can help me out. I have several excel files that calculate my football rankings. I had been just pasting the results into my webpage. Now that Im setting up forums bandwidth is an issue and the regular pages are around 820kbs.

Anyone know how I could display these results with out the huge size? Ive considered taking a screen shot and putting that up instead but the rankings are to long for a single pic making this a pain. I also have to do this each week when new rankings come out.



Re: Not really punbb related

your biggest problem is that each <td> has a style. what you need to do is add a stylesheet that says something like,

border-style: solid solid solid none;
border-color: white white white -moz-use-text-color;
...(rest of the code here)

then just change each <td> inside the Final Rank table to <td class="td3"> and take out the style="lotsofstuffinhere".

My CSS is rusty, so someone may have to correct me smile


Re: Not really punbb related

Thanks for the reply. I tried no formatting just like default. light grey and black text. I can get it down to 75kbs but it looks like crap. Doesnt match my webpage at all. sad

Re: Not really punbb related

Moved to general discussion.

superjohnyo isn't suggesting that you get rid of formatting altogether. He's saying that you should remove the style from each individual cell, instead replacing it with a class attribute, and then moving the style information to the stylesheet. It will save you on tons of space, but formatting will remain intact.

To do this quickly, simply use any text editor with a find & replace function.

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