Topic: LooDos' Anti-Double-Post-Mod v0.1
my first mod for PunBB.
I hope it works.
## Mod title: LooDos' Anti-Double-Post-Mod
## Mod version: 0.1
## Works on PunBB: 1.2.11
## Release date: 2006-03-29
## Author: LooDos
## Description: Disallows double-posts in your board.
## Instead, a post if edited is marked as unread.
## Admins and Mods can still do double posts.
## Multilanguage support.
## Affects DB: No
## Affected files: edit.php,
## post.php,
## lang/YOURLANGUAGE/common.php
## Notes: This is a beta release. Please report bugs to or post
they here!
## Thanks!
## Sorry for my bad English ;D
## Generated By: Auto Read-Me(by Caleb Champlin) -
## DISCLAIMER: Please note that 'mods' are not officially supported by
## PunBB. Installation of this modification is done at your
## own risk. Backup your forum database and any and all
## applicable files before proceeding.
#---------[ 1. OPEN ]---------------------------------------------------
#---------[ 2. FIND (line:63) ]---------------------------------------------------
message($lang_common['No permission']);
#---------[ 3. AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------------
//LooDos' Anti-Double-Post-Mod starts here
if ($pun_user['username'] == $cur_posting['last_poster'] AND !$is_admmod)
message($lang_common['No double post']);
//LooDos' Anti-Double-Post-Mod ends here
#---------[ 4. FIND (line:41) ]---------------------------------------------------
$result = $db->query('SELECT, f.forum_name, f.moderators, f.redirect_url, fp.post_replies,
fp.post_topics, t.subject, t.closed FROM '.$db->prefix.'topics AS t INNER JOIN
'.$db->prefix.'forums AS f ON LEFT JOIN '.$db->prefix.'forum_perms AS fp ON
( AND fp.group_id='.$pun_user['g_id'].') WHERE (fp.read_forum IS NULL OR
fp.read_forum=1) AND'.$tid) or error('Unable to fetch forum info', __FILE__, __LINE__,
#---------[ 5. REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------------
$result = $db->query('SELECT, f.forum_name, f.moderators, f.redirect_url, fp.post_replies,
fp.post_topics, t.subject, t.closed, t.last_poster FROM '.$db->prefix.'topics AS t INNER JOIN
'.$db->prefix.'forums AS f ON LEFT JOIN '.$db->prefix.'forum_perms AS fp ON
( AND fp.group_id='.$pun_user['g_id'].') WHERE (fp.read_forum IS NULL OR
fp.read_forum=1) AND'.$tid) or error('Unable to fetch forum info', __FILE__, __LINE__,
$db->error()); //LooDos' Anti-Double-Post-Mod has added: t.last_poster,
#---------[ 8. SAVE/UPLOAD ]---------------------------------------------------
#---------[ 1. OPEN ]---------------------------------------------------
#---------[ 6. FIND (line:118) ]---------------------------------------------------
$db->query('UPDATE '.$db->prefix.'topics SET subject=\''.$db->escape($subject).'\' WHERE
id='.$cur_post['tid'].' OR moved_to='.$cur_post['tid']) or error('Unable to update topic',
__FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
#---------[ 7. REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------------------
$db->query('UPDATE '.$db->prefix.'topics SET subject=\''.$db->escape($subject).'\',
last_post='.time().' WHERE id='.$cur_post['tid'].' OR moved_to='.$cur_post['tid']) or error('Unable
to update topic', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error()); //LooDos' Anti-Double-Post-Mod has added: ,
#---------[ 8. SAVE/UPLOAD ]---------------------------------------------------
#---------[ 9. OPEN ]---------------------------------------------------
#---------[ 10. FIND (line:39) ]---------------------------------------------------
'Bad referrer' => 'Bad HTTP_REFERER. You were referred to this page
from an unauthorized source. If the problem persists please make sure that \'Base URL\' is
correctly set in Admin/Options and that you are visiting the forum by navigating to that URL. More
information regarding the referrer check can be found in the PunBB documentation.',
#---------[ 11. AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------------------------------
'No double post' => 'Double-Posts are not allwed. Please edit your
#---------[ 12. SAVE/UPLOAD ]---------------------------------------------------