Topic: Punbb & WP

I know this has been asked many times, and I've looked for solutions, only to find integration with design. I'm a designer, and integrating the site and pun design is no problem for me.

I'm trying to find out how to integrate wordpress with either punbb or vanilla. So far,  I've found no answers. I consider punbb and vanilla to be the best forums. I know going with a bigger forum could probably do this much easier and quicker (just because they're bigger or more popular), but I'd much rather use Pun or Vanilla.

If anyone has figured out user integration between WP and Pun, please let me know asap.

Kind regards,
- aj //

Re: Punbb & WP

i have did serveral wp&punbb intergrations for the styles but i dont got the users yet.
what type of newletter system did u use on your site?
current project is
standard css template and punbb intergrated.

My stuff or my style might sux, but atleast I'm willing to help when I can.
Don't be stupid and help ! We are the stupid one's !!!

Re: Punbb & WP

I don't know if you're still interested in this .. but there is an integration walkthrough for WP and Vanilla. You can see it here: … tegration/