Topic: So punbb is GPL ?
I wonder if punbb is gpl then all styles, templates mods must be released under gpl too and can not be copyrighted !
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PunBB Forums → PunBB 1.2 discussion → So punbb is GPL ?
I wonder if punbb is gpl then all styles, templates mods must be released under gpl too and can not be copyrighted !
If I've understood it correctly, you can claim copyright of your mods, templates, styles whatever PunBB related thing, as long as you, if you release them, released them under the GPL license because PunBB is.
Copyright != License
Correct me if I'm wrong
The GPL license does not alter the copyright. PunBB is copyrighted as are all the styles, mods etc. If somebody infringes the copyright then the same legal remedies are available to enforce it as would be the case with a commercial license.
if software is released under gpl it is copyrighted but all mods and styles you do for it have to be released so everyone can use it !
Correct, provided they preserve the copyright and stick to the terms of the GPL license.
They don't *have* to be released...
As i understand, if i release a Style for punbb, i can not prevent some one to use it in his style.
in another way, if someone make a site with PunBB and have a new style, i can take this style to my site (with thanks surely).
Is that correct?
zaher: Its a little more complicated than that. You can certainly take the stylesheet providing you keep any copyright notice intact. If the style uses graphics then you can't just take them as well. My understanding is that the graphics can be subject to a seperate copyright and whatever licence the owner chooses. The logic is that the graphics could be used totally independently of the stylesheet and PunBB.
style can be taken ! it is punbb modification graphics as well .... read gpl
I have read it. The graphics are not necessarily a PunBB modification. You could use the same graphics for phpBB, Invision Board or anything else you like.
Does the copyright notice needs to be displayed on the webpage or can it be suffficent to be in source html page ?
Does the copyright notice needs to be displayed on the webpage or can it be suffficent to be in source html page ?
style can be taken ! it is punbb modification
graphics as well .... read gpl
No, it cannot just be taken like that. If you ever release it then yes, it's free for everyone to download, but as long as you yourself have created a style for your own website, and that site only, then nobody is allowed to just take it. The GPL does not grant *anyone* the right to steal content like that.
And also, as Paul have already pointed out, the graphics DOES NOT fall under the GPL licence, unless the author releases it like that.
Well... this issue is a bit complicating. According to the GPL, if you make modifications to the original PunBB code, which always contains a copy of the GPL itself, then you will have to release the modified code under the GPL, unless of course you have done so for your site only and for your personal use and thus are not willing to release the modified software.
On the subject of styles or graphics now. If you release a completely new style, not based on an original GPL'd style in any way, then you may distribute it as you see fit. Again, as long as it has nothing to do with PunBB code which is licensed under the GPL! The same goes for graphics as CodeXP correctly mentioned. If you create your own graphics, and I mean your very own graphics (!), then you may also keep them for yourself and let people know that you are not willing to distribute these graphics under the terms of the GPL!
To cut it short. If you modify GPL'd content, whether that is PunBB's code, a GPL'd PunBB style etc, then you have to re-distribute it under the terms of the GPL, if of course you decide to do so!
You may read the whole text of the GNU GPL:
As i understand, if i release a Style for punbb, i can not prevent some one to use it in his style.
in another way, if someone make a site with PunBB and have a new style, i can take this style to my site (with thanks surely).
Is that correct?
The problem is you've said two different situations.
In the first, you say "release" a Style. If you release it then it's been released under the GPL or whatever else and is therefore out there for use.
In the second, you say "take" which implies the author of the site has not released it, so therefore you cannot just take it.
The nice way to go about it is if it is released, go ahead and use it how it's been released. If it's not released then ask the author if you really want to use it!
Thanks andrewteg, it is a good point, You meant i can not take the style from another Web Site if he not released under a licence.
PunBB Forums → PunBB 1.2 discussion → So punbb is GPL ?
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