Topic: Cant post new topics

I have done some minor adjustments, but when I installed the subforum mod.... it is no longer possible to post new topics....
searched around, but haven't found any answers...

can anyone help me out here???


all the permissions are ok, and I am the Admin. anyway..

Re: Cant post new topics

Go over the readme again and see if you missed something smile

Re: Cant post new topics

which page do you think it could be it....

geez, went through all that and looks like it works, and then Whap!:)

Re: Cant post new topics

Err... post.php maybe?

Re: Cant post new topics

granted , i am rather new at this...

but that file wasnt changed and it works fine on the other forum...

these were the ones that were changed:
##                    viewtopic.php
##                    viewforum.php
##                    admin_forums.php
##                    lang\[Lang]\common.php
##                    search.php

Re: Cant post new topics

solved, i guessed it had sth to do with viewforum... and I was right...
thx though for trying to help me!