Topic: Integrate with WebApp


We are looking into the possibility to integrate PunBB with an web application.
Basically we want to transfer the current membership data we have today into PunBB
and autologin members when switching from our WebApp to the PunBB forum.

I have been looking around the posts here to find anything helpful and I found a lot.
However - if anyone have done this successfully before it would help with integration if we could cut some corners.

This is a summary of how we want it to work:

* User is created in WebApp > transparently we will insert member into PunBB at the same time (MySql insert via c#)

* User switches from WebApp to PunBB > autologin by posting user credentials to forum. (transfer login/pass via post to autologin script)

* If user does not exist in PunBB but in WebApp and switch is made > insert member in PunBB > autologin
(This might occur with existing users in WebApp who has not yet visited the forum and did not get registred in PunBB because they have been registred in the WebApp long before we hooked up the forum)

Since we are running on the WebApp all we really want to do is make sure we have same credentials in the PunBB as in our member database. Hooking them together like this would be the preffered way as we can see it now.

When it comes to inserting in the PunBB database - no problem
The autologin seems fairly easy also > we just make a php-script which takes care of the login POST info and the cookie-settings would be made by PunBB internally.
The check if the user exists in the PunBB database is also fairly easy > we just query the db from c# and if user is not there > create him and then redirect to autologin script.

This is however just on paper for now - anyone tried something similar and can confirm procedure and/or anything we need to think about?
