Topic: Need some easy help!

here is the link to my forums -

there is 2 things i need an awnser to.

1. In teh bottom left where it sais " © Copyright 2002–2005 Rickard Andersson " how do i change that to my name....

2. How do i place a banner in the top heading to replace where text sais .:refusioncore:. i am making the banner now in photoshop but would first like to know how to replace it...

Thank you guy's! big_smile

Re: Need some easy help!

basicaly so it has a header somthing like this site -

obviously not the same header but where the image is saying master's of sound how do i put my banner there... big_smile

Re: Need some easy help!

1. I suggest you have a quick look at this first, and think it over:


Looking for a certain modification for your forum? Please take a look here before posting.