Topic: adusting the login box

So I have a login box that appears on the title page of every page on my site (thanks to ontap for his tutorial).

It has a login/logout and says if you are logged in or not....I also have a link to "forgot your password" and "need to register"....basically what I want to have is these two links (forgot password and register) dissappear if the user is logged in (as they are not necessary anymore).

Here is my code:

this is for the homepage file:

<a href="" tabindex="4">not registered?</a><br />
<a href="" tabindex="5">forgot your password?</a>


define('PUN_ROOT', './pun/');
include './pun/include/common.php';
include './';



the homepage file calls this function:


function login_menu() {

global $pun_user;

if ($pun_user['is_guest']) {
  echo "<form id=\"login\" method=\"post\" action=\"/pun/login.php?action=in\" onsubmit=\"return process_form(this)\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"form_sent\" value=\"1\" />
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"redirect_url\" value=\"".$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']."\" />
<input type=\"text\" name=\"req_username\" size=\"25\" maxlength=\"25\" />
<input type=\"password\" name=\"req_password\" size=\"16\" maxlength=\"16\" />
<input type=\"submit\" name=\"login\" value=\"Login\" />
else {
echo "Logged in as: ".pun_htmlspecialchars($pun_user['username'])."
<br>Click <a href=\"/pun/login.php?action=out&id=".$pun_user['id']."&location_out=".$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']."\">here</a> to log out.</div>";


any help would be great

I'm a total noob so please be patient.


Punbb w/coppermine and wordpress integrated

see my hack to integrate punbb with wordpress comment system.
Illustration Community

Re: adusting the login box

Hey no worries I figured it out in the end

just had to learn a bit of php smile

Punbb w/coppermine and wordpress integrated

see my hack to integrate punbb with wordpress comment system.
Illustration Community