1 (edited by corban1 2006-05-20 02:40)

Topic: IDRS Forum problem

Hope this message reaches Rickard Andersson. I am a new IDRS member. When I registered on the IDRS Forum, I never received my password at my email address. I registered once more, this time using a different username and different password, and again the server did not send me my password. As a result, I can't login to the Forum in order to post an instrument for sale ad. No one at IDRS seems to know how to solve this.

On the other hand, I registered on this site (PunBB.org) and I did receive a password at my email address. Something must be wrong with the Forum server. It is not sending out the randomly generated passwords like it should.

I would appreciate your help in this. That is, how do I get a password for the Forum? And why is the Forum server not sending me the password to my email address?



Please reply to my email address: corban36@aol.com.

2 (edited by Paul 2006-05-20 03:02)

Re: IDRS Forum problem

This isn't a bug report, this is troubleshooting
And to find the root of the problem we'd need more info, like:
Is the email actually being sent? If so, are other people recieving it? Are other people with your email provider not getting the emails? Is the sending server on a blacklist? etc

EDIT: Moved

Re: IDRS Forum problem

You will have to ask the administrators of the IDRS forums. There are lots of things that can be wrong on their end.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: IDRS Forum problem

ok the problem is with in the php.ini file of the server.
i have a host that i cant do a validation by email.
cause something is wrong with the smtp being able to send php file request.
that i know is weird and my datacenter emails always say we are looking into the problem and never do they say if they can fix it...lol.
simple easiest way is to make a new group called newbies all new member are put in that group and the admin monitor the group and promote members.

My stuff or my style might sux, but atleast I'm willing to help when I can.
Don't be stupid and help ! We are the stupid one's !!!