Smartys wrote:lol, that is 3 seperate queries ![tongue](
If you want to run them all at once, add a ; to the end of each
Otherwise, run them seperately
Thanks! I can now create topics again! Thanks! The only problem now is the poll plugin.
An error was encountered
File: f:\webserver\forum\hej\poll.php
Line: 265
PunBB reported: Unable to create poll
Database reported: Field 'voters' doesn't have a default value (Errno: 1364)
I tried to run the same command but I replaced the topics with polls like this:
alter table polls change question question varchar(255) not null default '';
alter table polls change yes yes varchar(30) not null default '';
alter table polls change no no varchar(30) not null default '';
but it the following message appeared:
SQL query:
ALTER TABLE polls CHANGE question question varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL default '';
MySQL said:
#1054 - Unknown column 'question' in 'polls'
I guess the values yes yes and no no shouldn't be there, well it's probably completely different commands in this case
I want to thank you all for helping me!
EDIT: Tried this command:
alter table polls change votes votes varchar(255) not null default ''
but it didn't make any difference...
EDIT 2: I'm such a idiot, why didn't I ran 'voters'? I tried this line
alter table polls change voters voters varchar(255) not null default ''
And it worked.
Thanks for all the help!