1 (edited by catachangreen 2006-05-21 16:22)

Topic: GamerTag

Hello i have been trying to add a gamertag all day

I have managed to get the profile field done and for it to save infomation but i want it to show the game card in viewtopic:

<iframe src="http://gamercard.xbox.com/['GamerTag'].card" scrolling="no" frameBorder="0" height="140" width="204"></iframe>

The GameTag In [] is the profile field name

any help would be great

example of what it should show


Re: GamerTag

err, where are you trying to add this code to?

3 (edited by catachangreen 2006-05-21 16:39)

Re: GamerTag


just to the left of the post

Re: GamerTag

Hrmm... Although I'm against iframes, I'll try and help you:

echo '<iframe src="http://gamercard.xbox.com/'.$cur_post['GamerTag'].'.card" scrolling="no" frameBorder="0" height="140" width="204"></iframe>';

Put this where you want it to be in viewtopic.php, as I guess you want it there and you fetched it from the topic query.

Re: GamerTag

Yea thanks mate works great one more question

What do i need to look for to insert it just above the

Online/Offline status indercater


Re: GamerTag

dose any one have an idea of how to do this thanks

Re: GamerTag

Find in viewtopic.php

<div class="postfootleft"><?php if ($cur_post['poster_id'] > 1) echo '<p>'.$is_online.'</p>'; ?></div>

Replace with

<div class="postfootleft"><?php echo '<iframe src="http://gamercard.xbox.com/'.$cur_post['GamerTag'].'.card" scrolling="no" frameBorder="0" height="140" width="204"></iframe>'; if ($cur_post['poster_id'] > 1) echo '<p>'.$is_online.'</p>'; ?></div>

Re: GamerTag

Thank You soo much for all your help