Topic: no index


I only want to have one forum - so I don't need the forum index site and the index link.
Can I hide them?


Re: no index

Well, removing the index link should be easy - just remove the following from include/functions.php:

$links[] = '<li id="navindex"><a href="index.php">'.$lang_common['Index'].'</a>';

Now, I'm unsure as to what you would like to do - do you want to make the topic listing for your one topic the home page for your forum?

Looking for a certain modification for your forum? Please take a look here before posting.

Re: no index


I'd also like to do something like you describe.

The best way to explain is to show an example:

I've tried a few other forum solutions (I'm running PunBB under a wrapper in Joomla.) but most look like they will require serious core hacks to get the result I'm after & I'm no programmer...

I've not had PunBB working for long but it looks like it should be much easier to achieve this & accept that a couple of core hacks are probably inevitable.

I've started some initial tests by moving things around in main.tpl a bit but nothing seems to happen..

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.



Re: no index

I suppose you could rename viewforum.php to index.php, then define the forum id variable within the code for a workable, although certainly not graceful, solution.

Looking for a certain modification for your forum? Please take a look here before posting.

Re: no index

Problem with that is that there are scripts that link to viewforum.php. I would suggest a header redirect at the top of index.php.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: no index

Sounds reasonable & with minimal messing around which is good.
I'll give it a try.
