Topic: Strange issue with news generator.
Simple description: I click on generate news, forum num is set to the right value, i get "News generated", and a 0 byte html news file.
1) This is not triggering
if (!$db->num_rows($result))
message('There are no topics to generate news based on in forum with ID = '.$forum_id.'.');
instead "message($db->num_rows($result));" returns 27.
2) File is opened and created successfully and there is no problem with output.
3) And this loop goes 0 (zero) times. So it cant fetch any rows somewhy. And it throws no errors.
while ($cur_topic = $db->fetch_assoc($result))
4) This is the only module that is not working. Every other part of forum works perfectly.
I cant understand why it tells there is 27 rows avialible, and cant fetch any. Is it db problem maybe?