Topic: Packager
The plugin packager allows you to easily import and export plugins, styles and languages.
Export plugins, styles and/or languages in a single clicks. Two formats are possible: .tar.gz file and .pkg.gz package
If you want to import, you only have to know the URL of a .pkg.gz package, to copy/paste it in the plugin field and to click on "import". The plugin does everything else. Then you can install plugins, styles and languages in a single click.
However if you wish it can also import a .tar.gz file which was previously downloaded on your machine.
In short, you can import all the plugins, styles and languages which are exported with the Packager plugin.
This plugin requires ZLIB librarie and the rights to read/write on the various files of plugins, styles and languages.
To install the packager, download, decompress, and place the files by respecting the tree structure of the files.