1 (edited by Spurs4ever 2006-06-18 18:26)

Topic: Joomla / PunBB Admin problem....

Hi I have installed PunBB within my Joomla 1.0.8 setup using the com and mod files and it shows up fine within the CMS.

The problem I am having is that when I put in my username and password (my admin username and pass I use with Joomla) I am trested as a member in the forum and not as admin therefore do not have the admin link.

Anyone know what I need to do to make myself the admin of the forum so I can customise it etc? 

Also will the admin link appear in thetop nav bar of the forum like the other links?


Re: Joomla / PunBB Admin problem....

Maybe you could find your hapiness in searching joomla wink

Re: Joomla / PunBB Admin problem....

the punla people seems to have gone awall ... at least their site is dead ...  http://www.punla.profbh.net