1 (edited by j3rk3r 2006-06-21 12:26)

Topic: Get the 10 last threads

Hello. I would like to have the 10 last threads that have been written in to show up.

I have my forum on domain.com/forum and I would like to have the threads to show up om domain.com(the startpage). To show how I mean you can look at http://www.sitepoint.com/ underneath "Forums - Newest Discussions"

I hope that yopu understand what I meant

/ Erik

Re: Get the 10 last threads

http://punbb.org/forums/extern.php?acti … mp;show=10

Re: Get the 10 last threads

Thank you very much smile

But how should I do if want to include that on my startpage(without using a i-frame)?

Re: Get the 10 last threads


Re: Get the 10 last threads

Once again, thank you!

But now i've got another problem. I want to style the list that show's up in my startpage. What ccs should I look in?


Re: Get the 10 last threads

Whatever css you use for your startpage. PunBB's stylesheets do not apply to the output of extern.