Topic: sticky and annoucements


I do not have the option (when you make a new post or even after you go back to a post and edit it) to make a sticky.

I'm not sure what I screwed up but if anyone could help me get this fixed I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you!

Re: sticky and annoucements

You can't make a post a sticky, you make a topic a sticky
Assuming you're the administrator, look at the bottom left of the footer when viewing a topic


Re: sticky and annoucements

sorry about that I meant to say topic.  I am the admin and when i look at the topics list (viewforum.php) I do not see any links to make stick at the footer or anywhere.  One of my admin users has made a few changes and I'm afraid this code was removed.  How do I go about replacing this?


Re: sticky and annoucements

I'm going to assume that I made a mistake with one of the mods I put in.  Which file(s) should I replace to get this working again?

Re: sticky and annoucements


6 (edited by Nnyan 2006-06-23 00:12)

Re: sticky and annoucements

ok so i downloaded the lastest zip file extracted viewtopic.php and still have nothing where I can make a topic sticky.  I've made a screenshot in case that helps.


Re: sticky and annoucements

Below that, footer of the page


Re: sticky and annoucements

I don't have anything below that:


Re: sticky and annoucements

Replace footer.php as well then

Re: sticky and annoucements

Has main.tpl been edited at all? Check to make sure that the tag for the footer hasn't been removed from it.

Looking for a certain modification for your forum? Please take a look here before posting.