Topic: How can I make the left hand column smaller?

Hi I find that when I am viewing a topic in my forum or this one for that matter the left colum is much to wide.  There is probably at least 50-60 pixels of wasted space in the user information boxes.  This problem is even worse when a visitor is viewing the forum with a screen resolution of only 800X600.  How can I get rid of this wasted space and make the left hand column less wide?  I have tried doing a search but I could not find what I was looking for.  I am running the latest release 1.2.12 and look forward to hearing a solution to my problem.

Re: How can I make the left hand column smaller?

If you mean the viewtopic.php page...

Check this code out in your base.css located in /style/imports/

DIV.postleft, DIV.postfootleft {
    WIDTH: 18em;
    OVERFLOW: hidden
DIV.postright, DIV.postfootright {

Try changing the 18, make sure you change both 18's.

Hope this is what your looking for.

Re: How can I make the left hand column smaller?

Thanks that was exactly what I was looking for and it worked great.