1 (edited by enrique550 2006-06-28 18:42)

Topic: Unable to fetch reports info

I get this error when I try to view a topic:

File: /Users/Gustavo/Sites/hbsn/components/com_punbo/board/header.php
Line: 164

PunBB reported: Unable to fetch reports info

Database reported:

(enabled DEBUG mode)

in the forum index I see the number of topics and posts but once Im in a particular forum and see the topics, the replies, views and last post columns show empty.

In my database I can see the posts are there.

Im in a local server, php and mysql 5 with punBB 1.2.08.

thanks for the help!

Re: Unable to fetch reports info

And what did the database report? Nothing?

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: Unable to fetch reports info

what do you mean? I see a blank screen with the error message. thats all.

Re: Unable to fetch reports info

enrique550 wrote:

what do you mean? I see a blank screen with the error message. thats all.

He's asking if a message of any sort comes after this:

enrique550 wrote:

Database reported:

Looking for a certain modification for your forum? Please take a look here before posting.

Re: Unable to fetch reports info

nop, that show ups blank after the :

Re: Unable to fetch reports info

That's very strange. Must be something wrong with your database. Perhaps the reports table has crashed and needs a repair?

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: Unable to fetch reports info

i had it repaired tongue still didnt work.