Topic: Integrating PunBB into the look and feel of my web site?
For a little while now, I've been debating the idea of coding my own forum solution, so it will integrate perfectly into my web site ( ). Once I started seeing how much work goes into a real forum solution, though, I decided to see how hard it would be to integrate an existing forum.
My site uses a fixed width master container, and the inside (content) column is fairly narrow. I know how I can make a forum work in such a space layout and style-wise, but I'm just trying to figure out where to start. PunBB looks like the most likely solution to my problem. Is there some documentation out there that can get me started?
The site is setup with a basic header-content-footer approach, using PHP includes to grab the header and footer. Simple, it works, and it got the job done.
Thank you all for yout time!
-- Darren