Topic: Backing up my forums

Is there an easy way to download a backup of my punBB forums and messages? Thanks!

Re: Backing up my forums

DB Management plugin.

FluxBB - Less is more

3 (edited by torg 2006-07-19 04:11)

Re: Backing up my forums

one of the best programs is sypex dumper on by "zapimir" ukrain land for backup and restore database.

two program is backupDB() - MySQL database backup utility available at

Compare tests


Re: Backing up my forums

I know i'm off topic so dont kill me smile
I have a new website and I'm going to install the new punbb forum and I nedd to transfer users from my previos forum that is on other website. Is it posible? If it is, how it should be done?

Thanx for all.

Re: Backing up my forums

Is your previous forum a PunBB forum?
If so, just backup on the old site and restore on the new. You'll also have to manually generate a valid config.php file (I'd just take the one you already have and change the details that need changing, like the MySQL login info)


Re: Backing up my forums

I'll try it. Thank you.