Topic: Only Admins and Mods have [img] in sigs.

I was wondering if I could make it so that only Administrators and Moderators have images in their signatures. This is just so that the topics and posts aren't cluttered up with bulky images - I currently have a 15px height image and that's basically all I would want in signatures and because I can't really restrict what users choose to have in their signatures, I would like it so that only Administrators and Moderators have the [img] function.

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Re: Only Admins and Mods have [img] in sigs.

I think that's more a feature request, a mod or even an extension for PunBB 1.3.

Honestly, I like a fast loading forum, the only images I like to see is an avatar because it makes it easy to see who's posting. I turn smilies and images in sigs off in my profile, but that's just me.


Re: Only Admins and Mods have [img] in sigs.

hcgtv wrote:

Honestly, I like a fast loading forum

Yeah that's a fair point, that's why I only wanted Admins and Mods to have images - but without that feature my board will become slower so I think you're right, [img] tags off.

Thanks for replying.

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