Topic: statistic code - how insert?

How insert statistic codes in punbb? I will must insert code:

<!-- (C) / Strona glowna witryny -->
<script type="text/javascript">
document.writeln('<'+'scr'+'ipt type="text/javascript" src="'+(new Date()).getTime()+'/script.js?id=ByCPfRSqG9oKSwf7.h7/l=11"></'+'scr'+'ipt>');

in site index.


<!-- (C) / podstrony -->
<script type="text/javascript">
document.writeln('<'+'scr'+'ipt type="text/javascript" src="'+(new Date()).getTime()+'/script.js?id=B7Y7Cub.s7/l=11"></'+'scr'+'ipt>');

in all page sites.

(sorry for my english) wink

Re: statistic code - how insert?

Put the first one in index.php, preferably somewhere near the top.
The second one in main.tpl.

Re: statistic code - how insert?

I'm paste below <?php in index.php but its error...

Re: statistic code - how insert?

Because that's HTML and you put it within a <?php block tongue

Re: statistic code - how insert?

So, how insert this code in index.php? Where?

Re: statistic code - how insert?

bump ;(

Re: statistic code - how insert?

Just put ?> before the code and <?php after it.

Re: statistic code - how insert?

elbekko, look:

and error "unexpected "<" on line 3


Re: statistic code - how insert?

No, put the script stuff OUTSIDE of a <?php ?> block.

Re: statistic code - how insert?

Ok, but error in top:

my index.php:

Please help sad

Re: statistic code - how insert?

OK, remove the code you added
After require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php, put a ?> Then put the code. Then put a <?php

Re: statistic code - how insert?

It's fine! Thanks Smartys!