Topic: links in new popups or direct download automaticaly
Hi !
Just a little mod for my personnal use.
I wanted a direct download for certains extensions files, such as .RAR, . ZIP etc... meanwhile a new popup for the others !
So there it goes :
In include/parser.php, find the line
return '<a href="'.$full_url.'">'.$link.'</a>';
and change by those :
// MOD to open a new window if it doesn't match the direct download extensions,
// otherwise links are direct opened in the navigator popup :)
$ext = array(".exe",".rar",".zip",".tar",".fla"); // only works with extensions with 3 characters
$found = false;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($ext); $i++)
if(substr($full_url , strlen($full_url) - 4, strlen($full_url)) == $ext[$i]){
$found = true;
if($found) return '<a href="'.$full_url.'">'.$link.'</a>';
else return '<a target=_new href="'.$full_url.'">'.$link.'</a>';
Feel free to change etc...