Topic: Few questions regarding the design


Maybe I'm blind at this hour but where can change the positions of top index links from left to right or center?
Also I'd like to change the position for Forum Title and Forum Description from left to right or center.

I've tried PunRewrite and it didn't works with last version of PunBB? Any suggestions for mod_rewrite and clean url's?

Re: Few questions regarding the design

For the alignment stuff, does this work (I'm not exactly sure whether or not it will):

DIV#brdtitle, DIV#brdmenu {TEXT-ALIGN: center}

(place it in style/yourstyle.css if you want it in a particular style; place it in style/imports/base.css if you want it in all styles)

For mod_rewrite, I believe there's a mod called PunOOGLE or something that you can try (or you can wait until 1.3, which has clean URLs built in).

Looking for a certain modification for your forum? Please take a look here before posting.


Re: Few questions regarding the design

Thanks for the answer. smile
For mod_rewrite I think I'll wait the 1.3 version.

Please tell me how can I change the font dimension for top links, title and description.


Re: Few questions regarding the design

I've tried to put it in the right side the Title and Subtitle and it didn't worked. sad(
I've put a logo and the logo goes to the right side but the text nope.

Is here anyone could help me?

Re: Few questions regarding the design

div#brdmenu li { text-align: center; }

Haven't tested it, but it should work. If it doesn't, try changing li to ul.


Re: Few questions regarding the design

It's very headstrong...

../style/imports/sibirsky_org_cs.css >> the last part of this file...

/* 6. EXTRAS */
#brdmenu {BACKGROUND: url(../../img/sibirsky_org/fon111.gif); border-top: 1px solid #7897BB;border-bottom: 1px solid #7897BB; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #7897BB;}
/* header logo */
/* header logo */
.pun H1 
/* your logo and position */
background-image: url(../../img/sibirsky_org/logo.gif);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: right; /* you set your logo position here */
display: block;
height: 65px; /* logo height in here add width: size px if u need*/
/*header title*/
.pun H1 span
/* your font style */
color: #4784BF;
font-size: 22px; /* title size */
font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
text-align: right;
text-transform: none; /* transform text: uppercase, capitalise */
text-decoration: none; /* decoration: none, overline */
/* position for your text (board title) with the logo */
position: left; 
top: 40px; 
left: 118px; 

The logo.gif is aligned to the right but the title NOT.  :cry:
Any ideas?  :roll:


Re: Few questions regarding the design

I resolved it! smile Topic closed!