1 (edited by cows 2006-08-18 23:59)

Topic: Help Please with punarcade.


I used Connorhd's database management plugin.  and now my arcade is all screwed up.  What I did was I clicked optimize tables.  Well now when users get a score of 0 in the arcade this message comes up.

An error was encountered
Error: You do not have permission to access this page..

I made a database backup but when I try to restore it it says the file is corrupted.

EDIT: My whole site is screwed up.  Nice job you stupid backup program.

EDIT again:  Is there a way I can at least backup my users? and forum topics, but leave behind all my corrupted posts and extra tables?

Re: Help Please with punarcade.

I have a feeling the issue is unrelated. Or if it is related, it's due to poor design on the part of PunArcade.
Anyway, enable debug mode and see if the error gives any more information