Hi, it's quite perfect. I like this mod very much. I've installed it to my 1.2.11, it seems to work fine.
I translate in italian:
// Language definitions used in the mod "Move Post" 1.1.1
$lang_movepost = array(
'Mod move post' => '[Move Post 1.1.1] - Sposta un messaggio',
'Intro' => 'Questo mod permette di spostare uno o più messaggi da un argomento ad un altro in qualsiasi forum. Consente in alternativa di creare un nuovo argomento dove spostare i messaggi.',
'Introduction' => 'Spiegazione',
'Create topic' => 'Crea un nuovo argomento',
'Move post' => 'Scegli l\'argomento di destinazione',
'Original topic' => 'Argomento originale:',
'Original forum' => 'Forum originale:',
'Select forum' => 'Scegli eventualmente un altro forum',
'Move all posts' => 'Sposta tutti i messaggi di questo argomento',
'Explain move all posts' => 'L\'argomento originale verrà cancellato.',
'Explain create topic' => 'Per creare un nuovo argomento, inserire un nuovo oggetto.',
'Explain move post' => 'Clicca sull\'argomento di destinazione.',
'Last' => 'Ultimo',
'Poster' => 'Inviato da',
'Bad topic' => 'Scelta errata',
'Bad new topic' => 'L\'oggetto non può essere vuoto',
'Mark move redirect' => 'Il messaggio è stato spostato nell\'argomento selezionato. Attendere prego …'
Just one thing: the mod doesn't update forum counts so in index.php you have wrong topics, posts and last posters. Some time ago i've modified admin_forum.php to include an update counts function so i use it but it will be a good idea to fix the mod.
my admin_forum.php (rownum is referred to my file, is only indicative)
approximately line 130, before
// Update forum positions
else if (isset($_POST['update_positions']))
i've added
// Update forum counts
else if (isset($_POST['update_counts']))
$result = $db->query('select id from '.$db->prefix.'forums where redirect_url is null') or error('Unable to select forum', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
while ($cur_forum = $db->fetch_assoc($result))
$counts = $db->query('select count(id) topics, sum(num_replies) replies from '.$db->prefix.'topics where forum_id='.$cur_forum['id']) or error('Unable to select forum', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
$forum_counts = $db->fetch_assoc($counts);
$db->query('update '.$db->prefix.'forums set num_topics='.$forum_counts['topics'].',num_posts='.($forum_counts['replies']+$forum_counts['topics']).' WHERE id='.$cur_forum['id']) or error('Unable to update forum', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
$counts = $db->query('select last_post,last_post_id,last_poster from '.$db->prefix.'topics where forum_id='.$cur_forum['id'].' order by last_post desc limit 1') or error('Unable to select forum', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
$forum_counts = $db->fetch_assoc($counts);
$db->query('update '.$db->prefix.'forums set last_post='.$forum_counts['last_post'].',last_post_id='.$forum_counts['last_post_id'].',last_poster="'.$forum_counts['last_poster'].'" WHERE id='.$cur_forum['id']) or error('Unable to update forum', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
redirect('admin_forums.php', 'Forum Counts Updated. Redirecting …');
and approximately line 469, before
<div class="clearer"></div>
require PUN_ROOT.'footer.php';
i've added
<h2 class="block2"><span>Update Forum Counts</span></h2>
<div class="box">
<form id="upfcounts" method="post" action="admin_forums.php?action=updcounts">
<p class="submittop"><input type="submit" name="update_counts" value="Update counters" tabindex="<?php echo ++$tabindex_count ?>" /></p>
Hope this help. Bye.