Topic: A tip for poeple having trouble with spammers
I have found a useful way of slowing down spammers registering on a message board. I have been having trouble with drug spam lately on my forum and have had good luck slowing them down by censoring the drug names. Censoring a word stops anyone from using it in their username as well as posting messages with it. They seem to always use the drug name in their user name and even if not they can't post anything about it without me easily seeing my censored message come up <No Drug Spammers!>.
Drugs have no place on my board and are gennerally something that doesn't need to be discussed, as well I also think I have a younger crowd of visiters so this is definatly something I want to keep an eye on. Here are the drug names that most people might as well just go ahead and censor to stop future annoying spammers.
and maybe even *Viagra*
Make sure to use the wildcard * so that they can't just trick the system.
If you have any advice or other tricks to share with us please post it here!