Topic: Database - when is the post posted?

Having some trouble finding out where in the database that the date and time for when the message is posted is stored. I think it is in table POSTS and field "posted" but it looks like this "1156455850" or "1156455936". How am I supposed to translate that to date and time?


2 (edited by Jansson 2006-08-29 14:21)

Re: Database - when is the post posted?

You can use PHP to translate it into a readable date with the date() function:

The "int timestamp" is what's stored in the database.

The timestamp is a unix-timestamp, i.e the amount of seconds that have passed since 1st January 1970

EDIT: Haha, I beat you with 3 seconds elbekko tongue

3 (edited by elbekko 2006-08-29 14:47)

Re: Database - when is the post posted?

You're correct about the field wink
What you see there is called a Unix timestamp. It counts the elapsed seconds since January 1 1970.
You can decently display things of this with PHP's date() function.

Re: Database - when is the post posted?

Thank u! smile