Topic: Error 404 - PHP crashed in mysql.php

Hi. I'm having a problem I can not solve. I am not able to acces a forum I have through a browser anymore. Every time I try acces, the server throws a 404 error (500 in some cases). I have PunBB installed since a considerble amount of time now, and this appeared all of a sudden. I mean, it was working seamessly before. The only thing that actually happened "extra" was that I went over my disk space quota. It's fixed now but the forum won't work.

I also have Wordpress installed and it's working fine.

I checked the error logs in the server and it says this is what is happening:

Premature end of script headers: /home/wwwdode/public_html/foro/index.php
[4476] EACCELERATOR: PHP crashed on opline 16 of mysql_close() at /home/wwwdode/public_html/foro/include/dblayer/mysql.php:183

This is my line 183:

            return @mysql_close($this->link_id);

After this problem, I installed version .12 (because I had .11 before) also to see if I had messed up any source file. The upgrade went perfectly well. Indeed, I could acces the upgrade file in the server route directory. However, when accesing the index.php (or viewforum.php for that matter) the error appears. So the problem is the php.

For the record, this are the versions of PHP and MySQL in the server.
PHP version    4.4.3
MySQL version    4.1.21-standard

It may have something to do with file permissions. I have all files with 644 and folders with 755. The wordpress installation works with this configuration. I also have some htaccess redirect instructions involved.

Thanks for your help and congratulations for a wonderful piece of web application.

Re: Error 404 - PHP crashed in mysql.php

From Googling for the error, it looks like that's an Eaccelerator bug

Re: Error 404 - PHP crashed in mysql.php

That goes beyond me. I know it has something to do with the PHP cache? What should I do, and why has it triggered now?


Re: Error 404 - PHP crashed in mysql.php

could it be that it's using an old 'cached' version, and not the newly changed? (and that it somehow interfer with itself?)

can you flush the cache of it somehow?

Re: Error 404 - PHP crashed in mysql.php

Emmm. What do you refer as 'newly changed'? I don't know were the said PHP cache resides in the server. I'm at a loss here.

It is strange though, given that I did not make such a change so as to undercover this thing.

6 (edited by Frank H 2006-09-21 19:17)

Re: Error 404 - PHP crashed in mysql.php

you said you upgraded PunBB

Edit: Err... I'm tired wink

Could it be that the database it damaged? (considering you ran out of disk)

Re: Error 404 - PHP crashed in mysql.php


Yes, maybe it was damaged when I ran out of space. Any clue as to where to look in the database for a posible error/damage?

If you wish here is the url (I forgot to put it)

Re: Error 404 - PHP crashed in mysql.php

could perhaps be that some SQLtables reference to non-existant tables ...
I suppose you don't have a backup of the database prior to this 'out of space' thingie? wink

but, if you have phpmyadmin or similar, you could first and foremost check the tables, if mysql itself is broken (in the structure, select all tables, and choose 'check' (or similar, I have another language installed on myphpadmin), the online table will have a note, but the others should say 'Ok')

But, for the actual database, I suppose Rickard is the one with the knowledge on what to search for 'errorwise' ... but I guess there could be threads pointing at nonexistant posts, or such ...

Do all pages fail, or only a couple of pages? If only a couple, it might be possible to figure out what type of queries are used ... perhaps giving a hint of where to search ...

Re: Error 404 - PHP crashed in mysql.php

I'll try that and check the database automatically for errors and post the results.

Frank H wrote:

Do all pages fail, or only a couple of pages? If only a couple, it might be possible to figure out what type of queries are used ... perhaps giving a hint of where to search ...

Yes, it's all the pages that fail. Or at least I have not found anyone that works.


Re: Error 404 - PHP crashed in mysql.php

Checking Database
wwwdode_pbb1 is now being checked.
wwwdode_pbb1.bans                                  OK
wwwdode_pbb1.categories                            OK
wwwdode_pbb1.censoring                             OK
warning  : 1 client is using or hasn't closed the table properly
status   : OK
wwwdode_pbb1.forum_perms                           OK
wwwdode_pbb1.forums                                OK
wwwdode_pbb1.groups                                OK
note     : The storage engine for the table doesn't support check
wwwdode_pbb1.polls                                 OK
warning  : 3 clients are using or haven't closed the table properly
status   : OK
wwwdode_pbb1.ranks                                 OK
wwwdode_pbb1.reports                               OK
warning  : 3 clients are using or haven't closed the table properly
status   : OK
warning  : 3 clients are using or haven't closed the table properly
status   : OK
warning  : 3 clients are using or haven't closed the table properly
status   : OK
warning  : 1 client is using or hasn't closed the table properly
status   : OK
warning  : 58 clients are using or haven't closed the table properly
status   : OK
warning  : 18 clients are using or haven't closed the table properly
status   : OK

Maybe when I reached my quotaa, some users where in.
And then:

Repairing Database
wwwdode_pbb1 is now being repaired.
wwwdode_pbb1.bans                                  OK
wwwdode_pbb1.categories                            OK
wwwdode_pbb1.censoring                             OK
wwwdode_pbb1.config                                OK
wwwdode_pbb1.forum_perms                           OK
wwwdode_pbb1.forums                                OK
wwwdode_pbb1.groups                                OK
note     : The storage engine for the table doesn't support repair
wwwdode_pbb1.polls                                 OK
wwwdode_pbb1.posts                                 OK
wwwdode_pbb1.ranks                                 OK
wwwdode_pbb1.reports                               OK
wwwdode_pbb1.search_cache                          OK
wwwdode_pbb1.search_matches                        OK
wwwdode_pbb1.search_words                          OK
wwwdode_pbb1.subscriptions                         OK
wwwdode_pbb1.topics                                OK
wwwdode_pbb1.users                                 OK

However, it still does not work.
This table may have some problems though.    check    note    The storage engine for the table doesn't support check.

Re: Error 404 - PHP crashed in mysql.php

The online table is OK, as the error says it doesn't need a repair
I'd clear your eaccelerator cache (talk to your host) and then restart Apache