Topic: Next wave of spam: Be prepared!
From the recent evolution of spam in forums, everything indicates that forum spam is using more and more techniques of e-mail spam. Filters and addons used for forums and going to be more and more like SpamAssassin rather than just a keyword blocking addon. I am pretty sure that in a near future, spam forum will be like this: non sense garbage in the subject line or words like "V1AGRA", "P0RN", "phaarmaccy" to by-pass filters, and in the message, just one large clickable image, just like spam that you get in your Gmail account.
A possible solution to this problem would be having a "Report" button on each post, linked to a backend central server used by many forums in the world, to list all blacklisted IP addresses. If spammer Jack sends a gambling spam on Bob's forum, Jim clicks the "Report" button to report Jack's IP address to the central server. Bill also has a forum which system knows the blacklisted IP right away, and when Jack tries to post his spam on Bill's forum, he gets an error message because his IP address is blacklisted. After 3 people click the "Report" button, the user is erased, his message as well, and his original IP address is sent to the central server.
Forums spammers will do their best for messages to get through, they will be as carried away as for e-mail spam. We just have to be prepared. No good built-in protection will ruin the forum experience the same way spam killed Usenet that once was very popular.