Topic: Need help with a theme

Hello everyone,

I've made a new theme for PunBB, but can't figure out how to get it to work properly. The problem lies in my not understanding how the style sheets work. Can someone take a look at it, and possibly add the proper tages where they go, or at least explain to me how to do it? It would be much appreciated.

Re: Need help with a theme

You mixed up a bit, you edited the main page or the main.tpl file. All you have to do is to create your custom css file(s), x.css must go in the style folder and x_cs.css in the imports folder, then it will automatically be selectable by users. Hope I got your point.

Re: Need help with a theme

The problem is, I only know HTML.


Re: Need help with a theme

this might help u get going on a style then smile

Re: Need help with a theme

No, that's not what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to add this

Re: Need help with a theme

Mark suggestion is useful instead, make a style with those colors then add the images in their places with background functions of CSS.

Re: Need help with a theme

I'll pay someone $10.00 (Paypal) if they can do this for me.