Topic: Dont allow the guests to see the mebers profile.
What if the administrator can choice that in Admin menu -> User groups? I think that would be good.
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PunBB Forums → Feature requests → Dont allow the guests to see the mebers profile.
What if the administrator can choice that in Admin menu -> User groups? I think that would be good.
Try adding this after common.php is called:
if ($pun_user['is_guest'])
message($lang_common['No view']);
(in profile.php)
Thats great. Thanks.
Is it possible to prevent guests from even seeing the "You do not have permission to view these forums" message (when they try accessing a profile) and instead make them land straight on the forum index page instead?
I dont want any denial of access messages to be displayed.
if ($pun_user['is_guest'])
header("Location: http://www.yoursite.tld/forum");
This would be nice too... in include/functions.php
// Generate the "navigator" that appears at the top of every page
function generate_navlinks()
global $pun_config, $lang_common, $pun_user;
// Index and Userlist should always be displayed
$links[] = '<li id="navindex"><a href="index.php">'.$lang_common['Index'].'</a>';
$links[] = '<li id="navuserlist"><a href="userlist.php">'.$lang_common['User list'].'</a>';
if ($pun_config['o_rules'] == '1')
$links[] = '<li id="navrules"><a href="misc.php?action=rules">'.$lang_common['Rules'].'</a>';
if ($pun_user['is_guest'])
if ($pun_user['g_search'] == '1')
$links[] = '<li id="navsearch"><a href="search.php">'.$lang_common['Search'].'</a>';
$links[] = '<li id="navregister"><a href="register.php">'.$lang_common['Register'].'</a>';
$links[] = '<li id="navlogin"><a href="login.php">'.$lang_common['Login'].'</a>';
$info = $lang_common['Not logged in'];
if ($pun_user['g_id'] > PUN_MOD)
if ($pun_user['g_search'] == '1')
$links[] = '<li id="navsearch"><a href="search.php">'.$lang_common['Search'].'</a>';
##----------- Replace with
// Generate the "navigator" that appears at the top of every page
function generate_navlinks()
global $pun_config, $lang_common, $pun_user;
// Index and Userlist should always be displayed
$links[] = '<li id="navindex"><a href="index.php">'.$lang_common['Index'].'</a>';
if ($pun_config['o_rules'] == '1')
$links[] = '<li id="navrules"><a href="misc.php?action=rules">'.$lang_common['Rules'].'</a>';
if ($pun_user['is_guest'])
if ($pun_user['g_search'] == '1')
$links[] = '<li id="navsearch"><a href="search.php">'.$lang_common['Search'].'</a>';
$links[] = '<li id="navregister"><a href="register.php">'.$lang_common['Register'].'</a>';
$links[] = '<li id="navlogin"><a href="login.php">'.$lang_common['Login'].'</a>';
$info = $lang_common['Not logged in'];
if ($pun_user['g_id'] > PUN_MOD)
$links[] = '<li id="navuserlist"><a href="userlist.php">'.$lang_common['User list'].'</a>';
if ($pun_user['g_search'] == '1')
$links[] = '<li id="navsearch"><a href="search.php">'.$lang_common['Search'].'</a>';
Course you can use your imaginations with this Maybe only users who can search can see user list? Whatever you want
Interesting dearam...
Also there's the UserAccess Restriction mod by Atis. That's what we tried and works just as we wish. Find it at punres - search for userlist. (Don't know how carefule I should be about posting links... is it better to just tell someone how to find it like this?)
Thanks guys.
PunBB Forums → Feature requests → Dont allow the guests to see the mebers profile.
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