Topic: Disable userlist
How can I disable userlist from showing up for guests?
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PunBB Forums → PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting → Disable userlist
How can I disable userlist from showing up for guests?
In the mod section either on here or punres theres a mod that allows you to do this. If you want to do with out that mod im not sure how the mod works but you could just edit the functions.php and search for the
$links[] = '<li id="navuserlist"><a href="userlist.php">'.$lang_common['User list'].'</a>';
and move it to the right spot which would be put with the logout and profile and such meaning that you have to be logged in to see it.
Note doing it that way i believe it will move its position to closer to the end of the list of links.
heres the mod
Thanks, that works. Now, as ADMIN, I would like to assign user groups to specific users. How can I do this? There doesn't seem to be any function to change a user's group? I tried searching for a user, but that gives me (an ADMIN user!) the message "You don't have permissions to see this forum". Any ideas why??!!
qie wrote:change the uselist.php 's name
Because if I wanted to see his userlist as a guest and didn't see the link, I'd type in <forumaddress>/userlist.php
Ofcourse there is a better way, that's been discused before. erick_p, use the forum search tool and you'll find it... the topic was active yesterday or the day before and was about the same thing your asking...
Why people never use search, I don't know... The least they could do is say that they where to lazy to use search...
if you dont want the userlist to be viewed by certain groups, you just use the mod by elbekko.
Easiest way would be to just change line 30 from:
if ($pun_user['g_read_board'] == '0')
if ($pun_user['g_read_board'] == '0' || $pun_user['group_id'] == PUN_GUEST)
I would like to be able to assign specific users to user groups. How should I do it? That is the question.
I would like to be able to assign specific users to user groups. How should I do it? That is the question.
The standard way is to go to their profile, click "administration" and select a group from the drop-down menu.
First of all, the link to atis mod that MikeRulez posted will work perfectly, just be sure to read the post through to the end for changes to atis' readme [posted by yours-truly].
For usergroup assignment, do this (its funny, a forum admincame to me only minutes ago asking the same thing (she thinkks its hard to remember where to find this 1)...
Userlist:<user>:administration:'choose user group'
Under userlist, I do not see anything called administration.
What's even more intriguing, when I click on a user's name (and I am admin!), I see "You do not have permission to view these forums."
What gives?
1) you may need to chmod the cache folder permissions to 777 (in your installation directory) and/or delete your cache files within it (delete all the files except index.html .htaccess inside - I think this should work
2) just for asurance, you may wan to double-check the setting for the url base in adminstration:options
3) under userlist you will find what Idirected you to if you carefully read what I wrote...
Userlist:<user>:administration:'choose user group' Click in succession where <user> = a particular user.
Hope thiis helps,
I think there is bug in PunBB with disabling userlist You should change line 30 from:
if ($pun_user['g_read_board'] == '0')
if ($pun_user['g_read_board'] == '0' || $pun_user['g_search_users'] == '0')
Now you can change in Setup group options and permissions --> Search user list which group is able to view userlist
you can alway just take that line out of the functions.php.....
that will do it also..
I think there is bug in PunBB with disabling userlist
You should change line 30 from:
if ($pun_user['g_read_board'] == '0')
if ($pun_user['g_read_board'] == '0' || $pun_user['g_search_users'] == '0')
Now you can change in Setup group options and permissions --> Search user list which group is able to view userlist
That's not a bug though, since allowing freetext search is different from allowing a user to view the userlist
PunBB Forums → PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting → Disable userlist
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