Ah, I've uploaded it and have opened the 'instal.php' and it has opened a huge text document.
The HTML, is that what I upload to my site?
I admit I can't really make sense of the instructions at the begining:
<i>// The PunBB version this script installs
$punbb_version = '1.2.13';
define('PUN_ROOT', './');
if (file_exists(PUN_ROOT.'config.php'))
exit('The file \'config.php\' already exists which would mean that PunBB is already installed. You should go <a href="index.php">here</a> instead.');
// Make sure we are running at least PHP 4.1.0
if (intval(str_replace('.', '', phpversion())) < 410)
exit('You are running PHP version '.PHP_VERSION.'. PunBB requires at least PHP 4.1.0 to run properly. You must upgrade your PHP installation before you can continue.');
// Disable error reporting for uninitialized variables
error_reporting(E_ALL); <i>
Etc. I dont understand what the first step would be.
And thanks ever so much for your help elbekko