Topic: Mysql fulltext search mod question
Hello there,
first let me say that I am almost a newbee with MySQL stuff but I try to optimize my forum performances from a few days as they went down recently.
I run the latest release of Pun with 2180 users, 3709 topics and 45178 posts (as of today), provider is
I have a slow "first page load" response time and in general the forum response time is poor so and am trying to check with the provider if this can come from their SQL server or not. If not, could it be on my side as the DB is already some 70 Mb large ?
I installed the MySQL fulltext search mod yesterday night to try to unload the server from the original search capability and I have now a question (remember I am a newbee on the sql side !!) :
if using this mod, shall I still need to use the pun_search_xxxx tables ? If no, I could then remove the original search index tables to lower the DB size ?
If the DB index is too large (as mine), could it be any influence on the index page load time ?
In general, what could be done to improve performance knowing that I cannot manage the server myself ? (just as an info, I read the all forum yesterday and picked up a few things, I also rebuilt the search index)
Thanks for your responses