1 (edited by ThwartedEfforts 2006-10-14 16:54)

Topic: Admin: Changing user passwords

I've just successfully migrated 2,200 users and more than 220,000 posts from vBulletin 3.x.x to PunBB and I have one small problem smile

As part of the migration, everyone's passwords were reset. Most people have had no trouble requesting their new ones, and are now logging just fine. However, one user has received the password but is having difficulties. I suspect user error, but I did say that as admin I would change it for him.

On visiting the Administration areas and filling in his new password I get the error:

Wrong old password.

Trouble is, there's no 'old password' field for me to fill in. And of course I don't know it anyway!

Is this a known problem? I've run a couple of searches here and came up with nothing.

Re: Admin: Changing user passwords

That's odd hmm
From profile.php:

                        if (($sha1_in_db && $sha1_available && $db_password_hash == $old_password_hash) ||
                                (!$sha1_in_db && $db_password_hash == md5($old_password)) ||
                                $pun_user['g_id'] < PUN_GUEST)
                                $authorized = true;

As an admin, you should be authorized
Have you added any mods to profile.php?

3 (edited by ThwartedEfforts 2006-10-14 17:11)

Re: Admin: Changing user passwords

Nope, the board has no bolt-on extras. And I've made no changes to the PHP.

Every other admin-specific function appears to be working just fine. It's just this one small problem.

Thanks for taking the trouble to help out.

Re: Admin: Changing user passwords

Try uploading a fresh copy of profile.php

Re: Admin: Changing user passwords

The files are identical.

Just a guess here, but does:

if (!empty($db_password_hash))

not imply that the user's password can be changed using this method only if it already exists? All my users were imported using the migration tool and as such have no passwords...

Re: Admin: Changing user passwords

Try removing that bit and try again smile

Re: Admin: Changing user passwords

Well naturally that works smile

I think it's probably a bug of some description though, no?

Re: Admin: Changing user passwords

Do they not have passwords or are their passwords set to invalid strings? If they don't have passwords, that's a converter issue.

Re: Admin: Changing user passwords

I'm concerned that this problem will surface once again when someone else makes the move to PunBB. It's up to you guys to decide whether you want to do something about it, but since the converter is the only obvious way to migrate from e.g. vBulletin, and since the converter a) can't copy passwords and b) is no longer updated, there is only one obvious answer.

Anyway, thanks again for your help. I'm off to play with some settings smile

Re: Admin: Changing user passwords

ThwartedEfforts wrote:

I'm concerned that this problem will surface once again when someone else makes the move to PunBB. It's up to you guys to decide whether you want to do something about it, but since the converter is the only obvious way to migrate from e.g. vBulletin, and since the converter a) can't copy passwords and b) is no longer updated, there is only one obvious answer.

...which is to patch the converter to migrate the vB password values over. It will have the same effect overall (people can't login) without also triggering the "this account doesn't exist" check (which is what the empty password is really all about) wink
Anyways, thanks for the report smile


Re: Admin: Changing user passwords

ya the same problem occurs when you convert from punbb to vbulletin tongue all you have to do is request a new password and it will send it via email.

Re: Admin: Changing user passwords

The easiest solution is to update the conversion tool to put random passwords into the relevant field rather than leaving them blank.