Topic: I have no idea what I am doing

I want to make a message board at and have a few questions about setting it up.

When uploading the "upload" folder to my webspace, where exactly does it go? Will I have to name it "foum" as this is where I want the board to be, or does it actually go in a "forum" folder I create?

Also when I get to the install page I dont know wether I am being asked for mysql or FTP details, or indeed what any of the info means apart from Admin username and password.

Is there a detailed walkthrough for beginners anywhere showing exactly what I need to do and where things need to go?

Thanks in advance.

Re: I have no idea what I am doing

You can either upload the "upload" folder and then rename it to whatever you want (for example "forum") or you can create a folder called "forum" on the server and then upload everything in "upload" into that folder.

You're being asked for MySQL details, not FTP. Your host should be able to provide you with those details.

There's no detailed walkthrough at the moment, but we're working on better documentation. I'm considering doing screencasts where I walk through common scenarios, for example install and initial setup.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: I have no idea what I am doing

Thanks again for your reply. I am still getting this message though, when I submit the install form...

An error occured on line 55 in file /home/www/myname/necro/forum/include/dblayer/mysql.php.

PunBB reported: Unable to select database. MySQL reported: Access denied for user 'myname'@'localhost' to database 'forum'

I was not sure what to put for Database server hostname, so left it at "localhost" and got the message above. I then changed it to "" and was given this message -

An error occured on line 58 in file /home/www/myname/necro/forum/include/dblayer/mysql.php.

PunBB reported: Unable to connect to MySQL server. MySQL reported: Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server

"myname" is of course my user name, and "necro" is part of the domain name on which I am trying to create the forum.

Re: I have no idea what I am doing

try reading the error first..

leave it on localhost, since that's the one that actually makes you connect to the database
the problem is that you need to change database username to the correct username and database password to the correct password