1 (edited by antonjw 2006-11-05 20:38)

Topic: Calendar 2.7 - No messageboard Header or Style

Well I am probably missing something basic, but I have applied the Calendar mod to my system and I simply can't see a calendar :-/

I can see the Birthday in the profile and the Calendar Settings too (which don't re-direct after saving, by the way, but they do seem to save).  But I just don't see the calendar anywhere or see how to add an 'Event' into the system.

Can anyone help?

I am using CMS Made Simple with an integrated PunBB.   I have changed all references (I believe) to '$db->' into '$pun_db->' in the calendar php files (as required by the CMS), and ensured that all the modded sections have this replacement syntax too.

But, no calendar.   Not sure if it is supposed to appear on the board index or on the actual forum.. I just don't see one at all sad


Thanks smile

Re: Calendar 2.7 - No messageboard Header or Style

Ok, solved that.  Change the index.php, huh?  smile

(I didn't see a mention of that in the readme!)

Now working on giving it a style.

Re: Calendar 2.7 - No messageboard Header or Style

ok.  I have the calendar displaying but it just doesn't inherit a style from the profile.... it looks very basic.  I want to pick up the style from the user's profile (obviously).

It is also missing the messageboard header... I just get an unformatted calendar page.

Can anyone help?

Re: Calendar 2.7 - No messageboard Header or Style

A link would help...

Re: Calendar 2.7 - No messageboard Header or Style

ok.  it is just on my development machine at the moment but I will upload it tomorrow and provide a link.
