1 (edited by dino 2006-11-06 15:44)

Topic: Move to other server / db


i'm trying to move a punBB (1.2.13) to a new server. On the old one I used sqlite at db-Backend but now i have to switch to mysql...

For this i used the Backup plugin... all data is now in the mysql database but its buggy. First i had some trouble with german's "umlaute" but that should work now (at least they are in the database smile

'Replies', 'Views' and 'Last post' are just empty and if you try to view a thread: 'Bad request. The link you followed is incorrect or outdated.'

someone some ideas?

Re: Move to other server / db

I saw a problem like this recently. My bet: moved_to in the topics table is accidentally set to 0. Run a query to set all 0s to null smile


Re: Move to other server / db


Works now. But i've some trouble with the search stuff. Buidling it new from the admin menu doesnt work:

Processing post 1 in topic 1
An error was encountered
Error: Unable to insert search index words.

Not realy usefull message for debugging :-/

Re: Move to other server / db

Are you sure the search tables have been created? It could be that the plugin didn't export those.
Just recreate them and rebuild your search index and all should be fine.


Re: Move to other server / db

the tables are ok.
It inserts the topic name into the search_words but doesnt process the posts content. (i guess - the topics title and the first word in the post are the same so i'm not sure wink

I discovert an other "bug" - all posts have a "Last edited by"-line with no user and the date is beging of the unix periode 1970... i think the same issue with 0 instead of NULL...

Re: Move to other server / db

... and yet another reason why you should use phpMyAdmin tongue

No idea now really, it could be that those null/0 values are screwing everything up.

7 (edited by dino 2006-11-06 19:53)

Re: Move to other server / db

i'm using phpMyAdmin to import the stuff.. but its not possible to use it for exporting it since the old DB is sqlite :-/

i'll have some further look into the source code for the backup stuff - perhaps i can find i way to fix this null/0-thing

I just discovert one root of these problems: The table structure that sqlite exports is not completly compatible... it doesnt produce errors but some information get lost, e.g. auto_increment :-/

ok, works now. I run the install.php and let it create all the tables and after that i truncate them all and insert the data from the sqlite db.