1 (edited by teenagegluesniffer 2006-11-17 23:16)

Topic: link storage

Okay, there are links all over a forum to various parts....but when I access files I can't find where those links are created...
I'm using mod_rewrite to allow them to be changed but I still need to modify the files for the changes to work without manually typing them in. So myquestion is what files are the links declared in so that I can modify them to get this to work.

Re: link storage

do you mean like an seo mod?  if i can remember right (I started an seo mod on my site but stopped because I didnt have enough time to do it all right then): viewtopic, viewforum, search, and post.

Re: link storage

That's what i'm talking about. I'm trying to set it up to do that. I'm using mod_rewrite to allow the urls to change and what I need to do is find the files that contain the links that are show so where example: viewtopic.php?id=4 is shown in the codes so I can change them to be like viewtopic_4.html
I can't find where that code is at though. :\

Re: link storage

I've modded mine so line #'s are probably off if they're even there (I changed the layout and links around a bit in viewforum)

- links to viewforum: around lines  172 & 350
- links to viewtopic: around lines 75, 77, 90, 135, 314
- links to post: around lines 115, 124, 285, 289, 366
- links to profile: around line 200

- links to viewforum: around line 76
- links to viewtopic: around lines 149, 157, 159, 162, 174, 198
- links to post: around line 64
- links to profile: around line 220

- links to viewforum: around line 544
- links to viewtopic: around lines 554, 581, 589, 613, 627, 635, 658
- links to profile: around line 567
- links to search: 423, 479, 692

- links to viewforum: around line 379
- links to viewtopic: around lines 251, 259, 323
- links to post: around lines 332, 385
- links to search: around lines 423, 479, 692

there may be more (I left some out because I have a few mods that I have installed that also need changing) but I tried to put them all in here.

Re: link storage

Thanks, that'll be a helpful start. smile