Topic: Administrator's signature in the maintenance message


I'm bothered by forward slash before the word 'Administrator' in the message:

The forums are temporarily down for maintenance. Please try again in a few minutes.

I found two occurrences of this message and deleted the slash in one of them, the other didn't have one.
I removed cache_config.php from cache directory, but the slash still appears after refresh.

Where is it coming from?

Re: Administrator's signature in the maintenance message

line 103 in admin_options.php is what will be set if you dont have anything in the text box.


Re: Administrator's signature in the maintenance message

Thanks, Gizzmo.

I looked everywhere in the code but didn't notice that the message is displayed in the options right under maintenance on/off option.


Re: Administrator's signature in the maintenance message


hey Mitja you are from Slovenia right ? .... shoot me email at kriosunknown@gmail.com ! oh you can write is slovenian big_smile ....