Topic: Fangorn
It's been up for some time now, since I haven't changed anything to the layout in a while I thought that it should be 'ready' to post it here. I present to you (with a modest deal of pride);
Totally going along with the 'fight against bloat' . A very minimalistic, black/grey style, in total (read: as 'total' as I could get it) harmony with the website itself. Using a banner instead of some text took me a while, especially to get it XHTML compliant (ánd in 'coherence' with the banner on the website). The only visual 'distinctions' of the forum's index are the grey menu- and category-bars, the rest should be obvious by some sort of optical 'illusion' caused by the layout of the text itself. Imo it looked better than when I was playing around with border- and background colors. Minimalistic, as I said earlier. But I surely had my work with it...
Btw; you may notice that there isn't much activity in the public section, but the private section is doing véry well atm . So no, the layout isn't scaring any visitors, as far as I know