1 (edited by Jeef 2006-05-01 01:58)

Topic: Is it possible to have a member in two groups at the same time?

The topic should read: "Is it possible to have a member in two groups at the same time (or custom moderator groups)?" I tried to shorten it without making it misleading; hopefully everyone is on the same track (my point is that either method would sort of work close enough to the same, though the former would work best). Anyway, onwards to the question!


After fiddling around with the administrative controls and searching through the documentation for a while, I was unable to find a quick solution for managing my users' privileges so that they could flex to meet my needs.

What I am looking for is a little hard to describe, but I have managed it before with other forums; here is an example of what I mean:

User A needs to view forums 1 and 2.
User B needs to moderate forums 1, 2, and 3.
User B needs to view forums 1, 2, and 3.
User C needs to view forums 1, 2, and 3.

Group Foo can moderate forums 1, 2, and 3.
Group Bar can view forums 1, 2, and 3.

User A is a member of group "Members".
User B is a member of both group "Foo" and "Bar".
User C is a member of group "Bar".

The problem is that I cannot join user B into two groups at the same time, and I am not sure of any alternatives.

I have started writing a plugin to provide this type of functionality on an extremely narrow basis (one that would probably only suit my circumstances*), but before I get too far into it, I figured that it would be best to ask if this type of functionality already exists, somehow.

Thanks in advance, for any responses!

* I am designing a "guild" plugin system for my users, so that they can speak privately in their own "guild" forums, while still participating in the main discussion forums. What I mean by "an extremely narrow basis" is that I will probably add a "guild" system into the PunBB database, along with a lot of other little hacks, so that the guilds are not even user groups (hence why this plugin would not function quite the same as my more "generalized" example, above).

Re: Is it possible to have a member in two groups at the same time?

There is already a multigroup mod at Punres, although I'm not sure how it works, if at all, or if it fits your needs.

Jeef wrote:

Group Foo can moderate forums 1, 2, and 3.

Currently, there is only one moderator group, and that's it, but 1.3 is supposed to include the ability to specify multiple moderator groups.

Looking for a certain modification for your forum? Please take a look here before posting.


Re: Is it possible to have a member in two groups at the same time?

Excellent. Thank you very much for the prompt and informative response, pogenwurst. I am not too familiar with how the mods are moderated over a Punres (i.e. quality control), so I will probably continue working on my mod--especially since 1.3 may take a while for Rickard and everyone else who contributes to finish it up.


Re: Is it possible to have a member in two groups at the same time?

I too would like to have multiple USERS (group members, not moderators) in multiple groups similar to JEEF's user B.
Users A,B,C need forum 1
Users A, C need also forum 2
User B needs also forum 3

For my own usage, the forums are all in the same PunBB "Category".


Re: Is it possible to have a member in two groups at the same time?

Possibly as an extension to 1.3 smile


Re: Is it possible to have a member in two groups at the same time?

Thanks. I hope it makes the cut.
