Topic: Please Help CSS Expert Needed!

Hi gang,

I have integrated PunBB with my wordpress blog but I am having a few issues that I can't work out.  I know enough CSS to make me dangerous and can't figure out how to fix the following:

1.  When you click on a forum name the jump to box is misplaced...I don't know how to fix this

2.  When you click on a forum topic the quick post form is misplaced

3.  When you try to post a new topic the posting form and options are misplaced

I would really appreciate any help.



Re: Please Help CSS Expert Needed!

Hey, Im not regged at your forum, so the only problem I can acually see, is the jumpbox. Which can be fixed by giving it a width in the CSS file.
(dont know whats used for the jumpboxes, if they even have a style, if not you'll have to make one...)
.jumpbox { width:50px; }