Topic: News Generator documentation?


Finally done with my board itself. Now I want to progress the development to other parts of my site. Does the News Generator mod have some documentation - I looked hard, but decided to ask in spite of the likelihood of looking really dumb. I'm looking for the installation guideline, where to put it, how to use the code within existing pages outside the forum etc.

Thanks in advance.

Re: News Generator documentation?

Never mind. It was just after lunch and a bit too much Pinot Noir. big_smile

It's a plugin. Drop into your plugins folder, navigate to your board's admin section, click plugins and you'll see News Generator there.

You'll need to edit the source file "AP_News_Generator.php" to set it to your forum ID that you want to generate the News from. A file called "news.html" will appear in the "AP_News_Generator" folder which you can then include in any php file that you create. Viola. Nice one.

Re: News Generator documentation?


Can you add additional news bits in the the AP_News_Generator.php file like:

// The forum from which we'll pull the news bits
$forum_id = 1; - $forum_id = 2; - $forum_id = 3; - $forum_id = 4;

If its possible, how would I write it to add these new extra var's on line 27 in the AP_News_Generator.php?

Anybody have any idea's?... Would appreciate!
