Topic: Weird Error - Forum not showing until clicked...


I have installed and ran Punbb for years now but on my recent project something has occured that I cannot resolve.

When you view the forum the menu and text below do not appear until you highlight the area with your mouse. Can anyone replicate this error and provide some kind of advice explaining how to get rid of it. The topics appear fine, just the upper half of the forum?

The only difference with this installation was that I switched servers after installing. I moved all files, backed up and moved the database okay, changed config.php.... doubt it would cause this error but its the only thing I can think of

Many Thanks for any help you can provide

Re: Weird Error - Forum not showing until clicked...

I don't see a problem in IE7, but in Firefox the forum seems like it's trying to stay in the center (but I still don't have to highlight anything).


Re: Weird Error - Forum not showing until clicked...

Seems fine in IE6. Firefox and Opera are a mess though but thats a positioning problem not the error you described.