Topic: Chatroom, chat, ajax chat, java chat.... integration with punbb
I'm looking for a nice chat mod which would integrate nicely with my current punbb data. The chat would not only allow everybody who's online to chat together but would also allow one to one chat.
I've checked and installed several chat scripts and mods but none of them seems to do the trick.
The most relevant I've tested was PBB ChatBox which is written in AJAX but only seems to allow global chat and not one to one chat although it integrates nicely with PunBB.
I've followed several posts but, from my understanding, most of them are based on an IRC like mod which would seem (I might be wrong) to demand quite a lot of work to be integrated so that IRC commands are hidden for a non techie interface.
Can you please help me on that one. Or maybe we could give a state of the art regarding existing chatroom solutions.