the MM site is custom there are several site script sorta like it and myspace out there.
that codding is for a new page say a contact page.
this is my contact.php file...
just change the
if user doesnt fill out everything it will not send it....
what about a link to your site?
define('PUN_ROOT', './');
define('PUN_QUIET_VISIT', 1);
require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';
//Set the page title here
$page_title = pun_htmlspecialchars($pun_config['o_board_title']) . ' / Contact';
define('PUN_ALLOW_INDEX', 1);
require PUN_ROOT.'header.php';
require PUN_ROOT.'include/parser.php';
<div class="block">
<div class="box">
<div class="inbox">
########################## Contact Form 1.3 #########################
### |-----------------------------------------------------------| ###
### | WRITTEN 2006 by c/o Lukas Stalder | ###
### |-----------------------------------------------------------| ###
// ################ INSTALLATION #################
1. open the .php file where you want to have the contact form in.
2. paste this whole code in there
3. adapt values in the config section below to your needs.
4. upload the file - that's it!
// ############## END INSTALLATION ###############
// ################### CONFIG ###################
// CSS classes & styles
$classError = "error"; // class for error messages below input fields
$classTxt = "text"; // class for field caption cell
$classField = "field"; // class for input/textarea field cell
$classInputbutton = "inputButton"; // class for submit button
$classInputline = "inputLine"; // class for input lines
$classInputfield = "inputField"; // class for textareas
$styleInputline = "width:355px;"; // add. styles for input lines
$styleInputfield = "width:355px; height:100px;"; // add. styles for textareas
$styleInputbutton = "width:355px;"; // add. styles for submit button
$styleInputradio = "vertical-align:middle;"; // add. styles for radio input fields
$styleInputselect = "width:355px;";
// email
$targetAddress = "";
$emailSubject = "Website Request";
// misc text
$txtSend = "Send";
$txtMandatory = "mandatory";
$msgDate = "Date";
$dateFormat = "d. M Y, H:i";
$msgIndent = 11;
//thank you messages
$txtThankyou = "<div class='$classTxt'><h2>Thank you for getting in contact with us!</h2>Your request has been sent and you'll be contacted as soon as possible.</div>";
// form fields
every form field is an array consisting of 6 elements:
1) field caption
2) field name
3) field type: line, field, radio
4) additional info: if field type is
- 'radio' this field contains the radio captions/values like so: {caption1|value1} {caption2|value2} {caption3|value3}...
- 'select' this field contains the radio captions/values like so: {caption1|value1} {caption2|value2} {caption3|value3}...
- 'email' the field value must be a valid emailaddress
5) mandatory ('*') or not ('')
6) error message if empty on submit and set to mandatory previously
$fields[] = array("Company", "company", "line", "", "", "");
$fields[] = array("Name", "name", "line", "", "*", "Please enter a name");
$fields[] = array("Address", "address", "line", "", "", "");
$fields[] = array("Zip/City", "city", "line", "", "", "");
$fields[] = array("Phone", "phone", "line", "", "*", "Please enter a phone number");
$fields[] = array("Email", "email", "line", "email", "*", "Please enter a valid email address");
$fields[] = array("Reply by", "replyby", "radio", "{Email|by email}{Phone|by phone}{Post|by post}", "*", "Please select a reply mode");
$fields[] = array("Contact", "contact", "select", "{-- please choose --|}{Photographer}{Owner}{Webmaster}", "*", "Who would you like to contact?");
$fields[] = array("Request", "request", "field", "", "*", "Please enter a request");
// ################ END CONFIG ##########################################################
// #######################################################################################
$version = "1.3";
function spaces($num, $fill=" "){
for ($i=0; $i<$num; $i++) $foo.=$fill;
return $foo;
function isValidEmail($addr){
if(eregi("^[a-z0-9]+([_.-][a-z0-9]+)*@([a-z0-9]+([.-][a-z0-9]+)*)+\\.[a-z]{2,4}$", $addr))
return true;
return false;
// start form evaluation
if ($_REQUEST['do']=="send"){
$error = false;
$fromAddress = "";
$message = "";
foreach ($fields as $field){
if ($field[4] == "*"){
if ($field[3] == "email"){
if (!isValidEmail($_REQUEST[$field[1]])) $error[$field[1]] = $field[5];
if ($_REQUEST[$field[1]] == "") $error[$field[1]] = $field[5];
if ($error === false){
$message = $emailSubject." \n";
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($emailSubject); $i++) $message .= "*";
$message .= " \n\n$msgDate:".spaces($msgIndent-strlen($msgDate)).date($dateFormat);
foreach ($fields as $field){
$message .= "\n".$field[0].":".spaces($msgIndent-strlen($field[0]));
if ($field[3] == "email"){
$message .= "mailto:".$_REQUEST[$field[1]];
$fromAddress = "From: ".$_REQUEST[$field[1]];
}else $message .= $_REQUEST[$field[1]];
$message .= " ";
mail($targetAddress, $emailSubject, $message, $fromAddress);
echo $txtThankyou;
if ($error!==false){
// draw form
echo "\n\n <!-- ContactForm $version by START -->\n\n";
echo "<form name=\"form1\" method=\"post\" action=\"\">\n";
echo "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
foreach ($fields as $field){
echo "<tr><td class=\"$classTxt\">".$field[0].$field[4]." </td>\n<td class=\"$classField\">";
switch ($field[2]){
case "line":
echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"".$field[1]."\" value=\"".$_REQUEST[$field[1]]."\" class=\"$classInputline\" style=\"$styleInputline\" />";
if (isset($error[$field[1]])) echo "<div class=\"$classError\">".$error[$field[1]]."</div>";
case "field":
echo "<textarea name=\"".$field[1]."\" class=\"$classInputfield\" style=\"$styleInputfield\" >".$_REQUEST[$field[1]]."</textarea>";
if (isset($error[$field[1]])) echo "<div class=\"$classError\">".$error[$field[1]]."</div>";
case "radio":
preg_match_all("/\{(.*?)\}/", $field[3], $foo);
$options = $foo[1];
foreach ($options as $opt){
$opt = explode("|", $opt);
$label = $opt[0];
$value = (isset($opt[1])) ? $opt[1] : $opt[0];
$checked = ($_REQUEST[$field[1]] == $value) ? "checked" : "";
echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"".$field[1]."\" value=\"".$value."\" style=\"$styleInputradio\" id=\"".$field[1].$i."\" $checked/> <label for=\"".$field[1].$i."\">".$label."</label> ";
if (isset($error[$field[1]])) echo "<div class=\"$classError\">".$error[$field[1]]."</div>";
case "select":
preg_match_all("/\{(.*?)\}/", $field[3], $foo);
$options = $foo[1];
echo "\n<select name=\"".$field[1]."\" style=\"$styleInputselect\">\n";
foreach ($options as $opt){
$opt = explode("|", $opt);
$label = $opt[0];
$value = (isset($opt[1])) ? $opt[1] : $opt[0];
$selected = ($_REQUEST[$field[1]] == $value) ? "selected" : "";
echo "<option value=\"".$value."\" $selected>$label</option>\n";
echo "</select>\n";
if (isset($error[$field[1]])) echo "<div class=\"$classError\">".$error[$field[1]]."</div>";
echo "</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td class=\"$classTxt\"> </td><td align=\"right\" class=\"$classTxt\">* $txtMandatory</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td class=\"$classTxt\"> </td><td class=\"$classField\"><input name=\"Submit\" type=\"Submit\" class=\"$classInputbutton\" style=\"$styleInputbutton\" value=\"$txtSend\">\n";
echo "<input name=\"do\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"do\" value=\"send\"></td>\n";
echo "</tr></table>\n";
echo "</form>\n";
echo "\n <!-- ContactForm $version by END -->\n\n";
######################### END Contact Form ##########################
require PUN_ROOT.'footer.php';
My stuff or my style might sux, but atleast I'm willing to help when I can.
Don't be stupid and help ! We are the stupid one's !!!